When trading USDT (TRC20), sellers are typically required to go through a two-step process:
1. Approval
2. Escrow
The approval transaction consumes approximately 21 TRX, while the escrow transaction consumes around 34 TRX.
To save on fees associated with the approval transaction, here's a useful trick: you can approve a larger amount once and then use it for multiple smaller trades until the cumulative sum of all trades is less than the approved amount. If you require a higher limit, you can simply increase it again.
To get started, follow these steps:
1. Visit the wallet section.
2. Locate and click on the "Increase Allowance" button.
3. Enter the amount you wish to approve and click on "Submit."
Here's a quick video demonstrating the process:
Please note that this method allows you to streamline the approval process and reduce transaction fees, making your trading experience more cost-effective.
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